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- Board Policy and Administrative Procedures
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- SECTION F: Student
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- SECTION FA | Equal Education Opportunity
- SECTION FB | Admissions
- SECTION FC | Attendance
- SECTION FD | Tuition and Fees
- SECTION FE | Financial Aid
- SECTION FF | Student Welfare
- SECTION FF.1 | Campus Safety
- SECTION FF.2 | Mental Health
- SECTION FFA | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.1 | Immunizations
- SECTION FFA.2 | International Students
- SECTION FFA.3 | Residence Life Requirement
- SECTION FFC | Student Support Services
- SECTION FFC.1 | Student Support Services and Administrative Services
- SECTION FFC.2 | Veterans Services
- SECTION FFC.3 | Special Programs for Students with Disabilities
- SECTION FFC.4 | Pregnancy and Parenting Student
- SECTION FFD | Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
- SECTION FFD.1 | Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- SECTION FFD.2 | Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner or Domestic/Dating Violence/Clery Reporting
- SECTION FFD.3 | Student Discrimination Grievance Procedure
- SECTION FFE | Sexual Misconduct Policy
- SECTION FG | Student Housing
- SECTION FH | Solicitation
- SECTION FI | Student Records
- SECTION FJ | Student Activities
- SECTION FK | Student Rights and Responsibilities
- SECTION FKA | Student Expression
- SECTION FKA.1 | Student Expression
- SECTION FKB | Student Conduct
- SECTION FKB.1 | Code of Student Conduct/Special Programs/Student Misconduct/Drug-Free Campus/Complicity
- SECTION FKB.2 | Disciplinary Procedures and Sanctions
- SECTION FKB.3 | Academic Integrity
- SECTION FKC | Student Complaints and Grievances
- SECTION FKC.1 | Student Grievance Procedures
- SECTION FKC.2 | Student-Instructor Conflict Resolution
- SECTION FKD | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.1 | Grade Challenge
- SECTION FKD.2 | Program of Study Dismissal
- SECTION FL | Athletics
In order for a student to be classified as an in-state resident for tuition purposes, the student must have created a domicile in Texas and resided in Texas the 12 months immediately preceding registration at a Texas public institution. Specific information about state residency requirements can be obtained from the Registrar.
The Board of Trustees of Navarro College has authorized the waiver of the difference in the rate of tuition for nonresident and resident students for a person, or his or her dependents, who own property that is subject to ad valorem taxation by the district. The person, or his or her dependents, applying for such a waiver shall verify property ownership by presentation of an ad valorem tax statement or receipt issued by the tax office of the district; or by presentation of a deed, property closing statement, or other appropriate evidence of ownership of property that is subject to ad valorem taxation by the district.
Based on SB 1528, an undocumented individual who enters a Texas institution of higher education is a resident of Texas if he or she:
Attended a Texas public or private high school;
Graduated from the high school or received the equivalent of a high school degree in Texas;
Resided in Texas for at least three (3) consecutive years as of the date he/she graduated from high school or received the equivalent of a high school degree;
Provides his/her college an affidavit that he or she intends to file an application to become a permanent resident of the United States at the earliest opportunity the individual is eligible to do so.
Residency requirements are administered by the Registrar. Students seeking to inquire about, apply for, or present documentation to support residency reclassification must do so through the Registrar. A Residency Reclassification Form, with all appropriate documentation, must be submitted before the census date of the term for which the reclassification is sought. There is no retroactivation of residency reclassification. The Registrar serves as the chief residency officer for the College District.
Approved: 2015
Updated: 2024
Reviewed: 2020, 2022